Layton Utah Mold Damage Cleanup and Restoration

Layton Utah Mold Damage Cleanup and Restoration

Layton Utah Mold Damage Cleanup and Restoration

Many people do have mold in their homes and are really not aware of it. Mold is a very sneaky and insidious organism that only needs a dark place, consistent moisture and no moving air in order to grow.




Mold grows from a spore that travels through the air, and if it finds a favorable place to grow, it will. This is why you, as the homeowner should periodically check for water leaks, excess moisture on walls and dead air spaces in your house.




If you do find mold in any quantity, don’t attempt to sweep it away or brush it off yourself, as you will do nothing more than spread the spores out into the air and make matters worse. You also put yourself at risk, as the spores can be inhaled and actually grow inside of your throat, esophagus and your bronchial tubes and lungs.




The best thing to do is call in a professional such as Utah Disaster Specialists, who handle mold infestations all of the time. They are a leading Layton Utah mold damage cleanup and restoration company and they know how to get rid of your mold without endangering themselves or you and your family.




First of all they have all the protective gear and clothing to protect themselves and they know how to cordon off the infected area so the mold won’t spread to the rest of the house.




Mold comes in several varieties and in different colors. It looks like a fuzzy matted substance and it can be green, bluish, brown, yellow, reddish and black. Black mold is the toughest variety and it also is the most potent, so if you see anything that looks like it is black mold, just leave it alone and call Utah Disaster Specialists right away.




If you have a mold infestation anywhere in your home, you should have the rest of your home inspected. Mold is very good at hiding itself as it is the most prolific in places where you never go, such as behind walls.




For example, you might see a small trace of mold along the floor of your bathroom, but on the other side of the wall, the mold can be all over the wall. This may be the result of a leaky pipe in the inner wall, and the moisture from the dripping and the moist, humid air is all the mold needs to really take off. Mold can spread over the inside of a wall like this very rapidly even in a matter of days.




Black mold gives off allergens called mycotoxins and these cause havoc in people with respiration disorders, and over time can really cause problems with affected individuals. Chances are if you see mold in several places, you can have it in areas in which you cannot see. That is why you need a professional Layton Utah mold damage cleanup company like Utah Disaster Specialists, as they have all the proper equipment to detect the hiding mold.




It is a good idea to keep the overall humidity in your home below 45 percent which discourages mold growth. If you normally have a high percentage of humidity in your home, a dehumidifier can help to keep that down.




Before the personnel from Utah Disaster Specialists can begin to treat your home, any water leakage and high humidity areas will need to be compromised. If that is not accomplished, the mold will just come back.




Mold will often give off a fairly strong and musty odor, which is a tip off as to where mold might be located. Once mold is found, the professionals will be able to get rid of it.




The reason that lay people should just leave the mold alone is the fact that mold actually grows roots, and it will grow on just about any surface except for glass. It loves porous surfaces such as concrete, wood, carpeting, wallboard, wallpaper and any other surface that will support its roots.




When a person goes to wipe off the mold from a surface, all they are doing is stirring up the spores and sending them on their way, but leaving the roots. They will just grow the top part of the mold back in short order. That is why the mold must be killed and not wiped.




The technicians from Utah Disaster Specialists have the correct methods needed to remove the mold. Unfortunately if the mold has grown on the inside of walls, the walls will have to be replaced, or you are wasting your time getting rid of the mold on one side. Sometimes mold get a hold on the wallboard to such an extent that it is impossible to get rid of it except to replace the wallboard.




If you value your family’s health and you do find mold, you really need to call in professionals like Utah Disaster Specialists. They are your Layton Utah mold damage cleanup experts and they will get your house back in order.



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